
Our Products & Services allow you to quickly and easily reap the benefits of Real Options.

Describe your agile initiative

Use an intuitive graphical user interface to describe the tree-structure of possible pathways of your agile initiative. Supported is any complexity. Then, each step can be described in terms of required investment, duration, possible results and their probability, return cash-flow and its sensitivity to delay.

Financially evaluate your agile initiative

The tree-structure and the description of each step are an extraordinarily convenient way of expressing all assumptions of the agile business case. On this basis, the financial valuation of each step is performed by using real options finance. This accounts accurately for agility and project specific risks.

Optimize the value of your agile initiative

Optimization strategies: (1) Align the investment profile with the risk profile. (2) Consider parallelization to accelerate time-to-market, i.e. accept higher risks to gain higher returns. (3) Access optimistic step estimates by admitting also medium and pessimistic ones.

Analyse your agile initiative and decide on investement

Check your investment decision by analyzing the possible loss, the availability of required resources, and the sensitivity to result probabilities.

Know to invest in Enabler EPICs

Determine the financial value that the investment in new technology (Enabler EPICs) provides. This can be done by representing such initiatives as options on the enabled commercial use cases.

Know to invest in resiliency

Determine the financial value that the investment in resiliency provides. This can be done by comparing the values of uncertain businesses (e.g. subject to supply-chain disruption) that do dispose of resiliency or not.

Lean Portfolio Management, Cost-of-Delay, WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First)

Cost-of-Delay arises from (1) the delayed timing of return cash-flows, (2) the decrease of return-cash flow as result from delay. Both effects are considered for calculating WSJF metrics for portfolio prioritization.

Scenario based strategic planning

Strategic scenarios may require the creation of options on building specific core competencies . Real option valuation enables to plan for such strategic options (timing and investment).